Thursday, May 10, 2007

If there were a seventh Star Wars movie, what do you think it should be about?


Victor McSurely said...

i'd like the 7th movie to be about yoda living on dagobah. it would just be about him living there gathering food and meditating and practicing using the force.

Anonymous said...

what if the 7th movie was about chewbaca and how he is a big hero and helps all the planets to make peace and live happily.

DTW said...

I'd like it to be about how humans create robots that are so advanced they look like humans, and they would be called cylons, and they would try to control the human race- wait.. wait.. that's been done before... ummm....I need to watch the 6th movie before I can dream of the 7th. And I guess I should watch the 5th too. And then the 4th. And before that I better brush up on the 3rd, and the second as well. Hmm... I have a lot of work to do before I answer that question.

Unknown said...

This being Star Wars, there would have to be a 7th, 8th and 9th movie :)

In that trilogy, I'd like to see:

- Chewbacca and Han Solo meeting, and how Han saves Chewie's life, and earns Chewbacca's life debt, and the ire of Boba Fett
- Leia growing up on Alderaan (learning hair styling, and generally being adventurous like her mother Padme)
- Luke growing up on Tatooine (and bulls-eyeing womp rats in his T-16 back in Bigger's Canyon, after all, they're not much bigger than two meters...)
- Peter Gabriel "Growing Up" on CD (oh, wait, that's already out)
- C3PO and R2D2's adventures with Leia
- Darth Vader and the Grand Moff Tarkin hunting down the Jedi (boo, hiss)
- Boba Fett? Boba Fett? Where? Oh, there he is. In this trilogy he has the big red button that turns on his jet packs installed on the back of the jet pack where he can't reach it, but any old guy with carbonite blindness and a stick can hit it and send him flying to his doom.
- Yoda, study the force he will. Great adventures will he see, and great darkness. And tasty food from a rebel ration kit there will be.
- There will be a big "Death Star Final Design Approval Meeting", where they approve the final installation of an exhaust port on the reactor that leads directly to the reactor ("dropping anything down that would be harder than bulls-eyeing a womp rat in Bigger's Canyon on Tatooine!") and a tractor beam control so easy and old man can find it and turn it off without anyone noticing. Also, to save money on construction, they will only order the Mark II shield generators (the ones that handle only large ships, not single seat fighters), there will not be any railings installed near all of the deep canyons running mysteriously inside the Death Star, and all blast doors will be set up with control ciruitry for both sides of the door in one unit ("the odds of one being destroyed are slim")
- A report will be presented to Imperial command regarding indigenous life on the forest moon of Endor (a possible secondary site for building the Death Star). The report will note that the local intelligent life is "very primitive", "look like walking teddy bears" and are "mostly harmless".


(P.S. K.I.T.T. was a Cylon. I'm just sayin'.)

Bill Banatt said...

what if the 7th movie were about
bridge skywalker?

Anonymous said...

r2d2, chewbacca, and han solo go to fight in moonus mandel because some storm troopers are mad about darth vader returning from the dark side. luke skywalker and his partner, yoso, who is yoda's nephew, appear suddenly when han and chewbacca are caught in nets being carried to tatooine to be made into slaves. using special jedi light saber techniques they free han and chewie, meanwhile r2d2 is sad about yoda's dying, he goes to tatooine and flies up into the air, and explains to the storm troopers that yoda was a good guy and the storm troopers turn good.